The International North-Eastern Petra Project

Preliminary Report on the 2013 Season

by Stephan G. Schmid, Zbigniew T. Fiema and Bernhard Kolb

III. 2013 survey season – structure 4

This is a large, rectangular building located in the north-eastern part of the survey area, on the edge of the main plateau of the site (figs. 4. 5). It consists of a large, central room flanked by two spaces, probably stairways, which, in turn, are flanked by two smaller rooms on each side. A massive substructure framework extended beyond the edge of the plateau and currently visible, provided an artificial terrace base for an elaborate structure, opened to the north, and in the form of a portico supported by pillars rather than columns. Judging from the architectural elements collected, which represent orders of different size, it is possible that there was an upper floor over the portico. The entire structure appears to be a one-period edifice, without any major visible additions and modifications.

Fig. 4: Overall plan of Structure 4 (plan: J. Falkenberg and M. Holappa)
Fig. 4: Overall plan of Structure 4 (plan: J. Falkenberg and M. Holappa)

Altogether 34 architectural blocks (capitals, bases, elements of the entablature, door-jambs, etc.) have been located inside the rooms or outside, in the immediate vicinity of the building. The diverse repertoire of blocks indicates opulent yet „intimate“ architectural decoration thus less official function of the building, probably as an informal reception hall.

Fig. 5: Structure 4 from E (photo: S. G. Schmid)
Fig. 5: Structure 4 from E (photo: S. G. Schmid)