The International North-Eastern Petra Project

Preliminary Report on the 2012 Season

by Stephan G. Schmid, Zbigniew T. Fiema and Bernhard Kolb

I. Acknowledgments

The 2012 field season of the North-Eastern Petra Project (NEPP) lasted from March 31st to April 14, 2012. The NEPP 2012 was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the German-French project „Early Petra“ directed by Michel Mouton (Paris) and Stephan G. Schmid (Berlin), the cluster of excellence „Topoi“ (Berlin), Humboldt-University (Berlin) and the Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures (AUAC, Basel). We would like to thank the staff of the Department of Antiquities for their support and for granting the working permit, as well as Dr. Eimad Hijazeen, commissioner of the Petra Park Authority, for the kind logistic support. We would also like to thank ACOR Amman and IFPO Amman for lodging the team during its stay in Amman. Special thanks go to H. E. Andrea Reichlin, Swiss ambassador to Jordan, for her support of the project.

The following persons participated in the 2012 season of the NEPP: as co-directors Stephan G. Schmid (Berlin), Zbigniew T. FIema (Helsinki) and Bernhard Kolb (Basel); as surveyors Maija Holappa (Helsinki) and Jana Falkenberg (Karlsruhe); as archaeologists Nadine Bürkle (Berlin), Will Kennedy (Berlin), Thomas Kabs (Berlin) and Sebastian Hoffmann (Berlin). The representative of the Department of Antiquities was Tahani Salih, whose help and advice were very much appreciated. During the team’s sojourn at Nazzal’s Camp in Petra, Suleiman Mohammed al-B’dool, Aziza Suleiman al-B’dool, Anwar Ali al-B’dool and Ali Chalaf al-B’dool were a very efficient and helpful camp and supply team.