AUAC outline

About the AUAC

The Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures (AUAC) was founded in January 2000 at Basel (Switzerland) and is legally registered in the Register of Commerce at Basel.

The AUAC is a purely non-profit institution with the primary aim to support and encourage projects focusing on archaeological research and exploration mainly in the Mediterranean area. AUAC is especially trying to support small but efficient projects guaranteeing an original and scientific approach to specific questions and problems about Mediterranean archaeology.

The AUAC website is a freely accessible academic web resource. Its goals are: Updating all scholars interested in ancient cultures and history; and promoting contacts and scientific exchanges among experts from different areas.

If you want to support AUAC and, therefore, help international research projects to realize their goals, please use our Swiss post account (40-247167-3) or contact us though

Bulletin of Nabataean Studies web resources at the AUAC

Until the end of 2005 the „Bulletin of Nabataean Studies“ (BNS) was hosted by the Department of Asiatic Studies – University „L’Orientale“, Naples (Italy) (UNO), and carried out by Giancarlo Lacerenza (Ph. D., Semitics), within the framework of the scientific activities backed by the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern History (Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini). From 2000 until 2021 the „Bulletin of Nabataean Studies“ (BNS) was hosted at the AUAC website, then dissolved and merged into the AUAC news and the AUAC bibliography.

The BNS International Committee of Referees includes: Khairieh ’Amr (Amman), Hannah M. Cotton (Jerusalem), John F. Healey (Manchester), Michael C. A. Macdonald (Oxford), Laïla Nehmé (Paris), Emile Puech (Jerusalem), Robert Wenning (Münster), Ada Yardeni (Jerusalem).

Scholars engaged in research projects concerning Nabataeans (art, archaeology, history, language, and so forth), can contribute with updated bibliographical references, notices of new articles, forthcoming publications, meetings, conferences, congresses, events, exhibitions and research projects. Direct sending of off-prints and volumes to our address will result in an accurate description in the AUAC bibliography. When not possible for either authors or editors to send even a photocopy of their publications, e-mail is recommended for submitting new entries. Each bibliographical information should be as much complete as it is possible: Author; Title; Journal; Nr. of the issue; Year; Nr. of pages. Articles in miscellaneous volumes should be indicated as: Editor; Title of the volume; Series; Publishers; City; Year; Nr. of pages. Notices of forthcoming publications will also be included.

Bulletin of Nabataean Studies publications (ISSN 1662-1379) at the AUAC

The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies is a scholarly online periodical devoted to Nabataean studies and related aspects, i. e. primarily the history, archaeology and art history of the Nabataeans and their material culture as well as immediately related fields. It is published once a year, usually during spring for the volume of the past year. For the time being, it is published exclusively in electronic form on the website of the „Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures“ (AUAC), based in Basel, Switzerland.

The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies publishes articles in English, French and German. If you are not a native speaker in the language your article is written, please have it read through and corrected by a native speaker before sending it to the editors. Manuscripts as well as illustrations should be sent exclusively in electronic form to the editors at Texts should be written with WORD (PC or Mac) or any application supporting the rtf-format. All kind of illustrations (photographs, plans, drawings) should be submitted as JPEG or TIFF file and in a resolution not lower than 300dpi and not higher than 600dpi. It is the authors’ responsibility to make sure that permission for all illustrations is obtained. Every contribution should be joined by an abstract of approximately 2’500 signs (spaces included) and a list of five keywords.

As far as abbreviations, citations and other issues of style are concerned, manuscripts should be prepared according to the following guidelines: guidelines and abbreviations of the American Journal of Archaeology for all contributions in English language; guidelines and abbreviations of L’Année philologique for all contribution in French language (no online version available!); guidelines and abbreviations of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut for all contributions in German language.

The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies will not accept any article that serves as the primary publication of any object or archaeological material in a private or public collection after the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, unless its existence is documented before that date or it was legally exported from the country of origin. An exception may be made if, in the view of the editor-in-chief, the aim of the article is to emphasise the loss of archaeological context.

Editorial board

  • Stephan G. Schmid (editor-in-chief)
  • Bernhard Kolb (co-editor)
  • Laurent Gorgerat (co-editor)
  • André Barmasse (co-editor, DTP)