The International North-Eastern Petra Project

Preliminary Report on the 2012 Season

by Stephan G. Schmid, Zbigniew T. Fiema and Bernhard Kolb

III. 2012 survey season

The 2012 fieldwork was a continuation of activities conducted in 2011. Specifically, these activities included:

  • the architectural study of some of the largest structures at the site (Structures 1, 2 and 3) including the localization, description, mapping and photographing of all architectural blocks (cf. figs. 5. 10). This procedure enables us by now to draw exact plans as for the exact position of every architectural member identified, being able, therefore, to locate – for instance – all column drums or door jambs found within a specific structre (cf. figs. 7. 14).
  • the collection of all surface ceramics within specific rooms of Structures 1–6;
  • the localization, description and mapping of all other, smaller structures at the site which were not fully recorded in 2011 (Structures 3–6).

Although the collected material and obtained information will need proper study and assessment, the following preliminary observations can now be proposed.