The International Ez Zantur Project

Preliminary Report on the 1997 Swiss-Liechtenstein excavations at ez Zantur

by Bernhard Kolb (with contributions by Daniel Keller and Yvonne Gerber)

VI. Ez Zantur IV: Rooms 2 and 5

The remaining part of corridor 2 (c. 923.95 m) was cleared in square 92/AN (Fig. 2). A five-step stairway at the north end of the corridor, leading up to room 5 (925.20 m), was built over the covering slabs of the rockhewn channel in room 2. The hastily built stairway, like the cover slabs of the channel, belong to the final phase of construction and use (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10: EZ IV. Corridor 2 and steps leading up to room 5 (photo: D. Keller)
Fig. 10: EZ IV. Corridor 2 and steps leading up to room 5 (photo: D. Keller)