Selected bibliography of the International Ez Zantur Project

181 records have been found. The result list is sorted by year (DESC).

The bibliography presented here is just a selected one for limited use within this project. For a more detailed bibliography please consult the complete AUAC bibliography.

Kolb 2001
B. Kolb, A Nabataean mansion at Petra: Some Reflections on its Architecture and Interior Design. Bisheh, G. (ed), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan VII, 2001.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 2001
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb – Keller 2001
B. Kolb – D. Keller, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavation at az-Zantur – Petra. The Eleventh Season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45, 2001.
Keywords: IEZP, IUBP
Year: 2001
Timestamp: 2015-06-15 00:00:00
Schmid 2000
S. G. Schmid, Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer. Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hintergründe. Kolb, B., Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von Ez Zantur in Petra und der Wohnhausbau in Palästina vom 4.–6. Jh. n. Chr., Petra–Ez Zantur II 2. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen. Terra archaeologica IV. Monographien der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland (SLSA/FSLA) (Mainz 2000).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 2000
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb – Keller 2000
B. Kolb – D. Keller, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavation at az-Zantur – Petra. The Tenth Season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 44, 2000.
Keywords: IEZP, IUBP, IWFP
Year: 2000
Timestamp: 2015-06-17 00:00:00
Kolb 2000
B. Kolb, Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von Ez Zantur in Petra und der Wohnhausbau in Palästina vom 4.–6. Jh. n. Chr., Petra–Ez Zantur II 2. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen. Terra archaeologica IV. Monographien der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland (SLSA/FSLA) (Mainz 2000).
Keywords: IEZP, IWFP
Year: 2000
Timestamp: 2015-06-17 00:00:00
Nielsen 1999
I. Nielsen, Early provincial baths and their relations to early Italic baths. DeLaine, J. – Johnston, D. E. (eds), Roman Baths and Bathing. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Roman Baths held at Bath, England, 30 March – 4 April 1992. JRA Suppl. Series No. 37 (1999).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1999
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Stern 1999
E. M. Stern, Roman Glasblowing in a Cultural Context. Ameican Journal of Archaeology 103, 1999.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1999
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb – Gorgerat – Grawehr 1999
B. Kolb – L. Gorgerat – M. Grawehr, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations on az-Zantur in Petra 1998, ADAJ 43, 1999, 261–277.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1999
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Netzer 1999
E. Netzer, Herodian bath-houses. DeLaine, J. – Johnston, D. E. (eds), Roman Baths and Bathing. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Roman Baths held at Bath, England, 30 March – 4 April 1992. JRA Suppl. Series No. 37 (1999).
Keywords: IEZP, IUBP
Year: 1999
Timestamp: 2015-06-15 00:00:00
Tholbecq 1998
L. Tholbecq, The Nabataeo-Roman Site of Wadi Ramm (Iram). A New Appraisal. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 42, 1998.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1998
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb – Keller – Gerber 1998
B. Kolb – D. Keller – Y. Gerber, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations at az-Zantur in Petra 1997. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 42, 1998.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1998
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fiema 1998
Zbigniew T. Fiema, The Roman Street of the Petra Project, 1997. A Preliminary Report. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 42, 1998.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1998
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Download PDF
Kehrberg 1998
I. Kehrberg, The Pottery and other Finds. Jäggi, C. – alii, Temple, Kiln and Church – Fourth Interim Report on the Jarash Cathedral Project (Autumn 1997), Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 42, 1998.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1998
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Dussart 1998
O. Dussart, Le verre en Jordanie et en Syrie du sud. BAH 152 (Beirut 1998).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1998
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Wenning 1997
R. Wenning, Das Münzsystem der Nabatäer. Wenning, R. – Weber, Th. (eds.), Petra. Antike Felsstadt zwischen arabischer Tradition und griechischer Norm. (Mainz 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmid 1997
S. G. Schmid, Eierschalendünne Tongefässe und grobe Waren. Weber, Th. – Wenning, R. (eds.), Petra. Antike Felsstadt zwischen arabischer Tradition und griechischer Norm, AW, Sonderheft (Mainz 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb – Keller – Fellmann Brogli 1997
B. Kolb – D. Keller – R. Fellmann Brogli, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations at az-Zantur in Petra 1996. The Seventh Season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 41, 1997.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fleming 1997
S. J. Fleming, Late Roman Glass at the University of Pennsylvania Museum: A Photo Essay. Expedition 39/2, 1997.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Basile 1997
J. J. Basile, A Head of the Goddess Tyche from Petra, Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 41, 1997.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Joukowsky 1997
M. S. Joukowsky, Antike Säulen – moderne Technik. Der neu ausgegrabene Südtempel. Wenning, R. – Weber, Th. (eds.), Petra. Antike Felsstadt zwischen arabischer Tradition und griechischer Norm. (Mainz 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Weber – Wenning 1997
R. Wenning – Th. Weber (Hrsg.), Petra. Antike Felsstadt zwischen arabischer Tradition und griechischer Norm (Mainz 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Lapp 1997
E. C. Lapp, The Archeology of Light: The Cultural Significance of the Oil Lamp from Roman Palestine (Ann Arbor 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Clamer 1997
Ch. Clamer, Fouilles archéologiques de ’Aïn ez-Zâra/Callirrhoé. Villégiature herodienne (Beirut 1997).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1997
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Chirac 1996
C. Chirac, About a Glass Imitation of the Sigillata Form Dragendorff 27 = Conspectus 32.2. ReiCretActa 33, 1996.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmid 1996b
S. G. Schmid, Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer im Spiegel ihrer kulturhistorischen Kontakte. Herfort-Koch, M. – Mandel, U. – Schädler, U. (eds.), Hellenistische und kaiserzeitliche Keramik des östlichen Mittelmeergebietes. Kolloquium Frankfurt 24.–25. April 1995 (Francfort 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schneider 1996
Ch. Schneider, Die Importkeramik. A. Bignasca et al., Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP, NEPP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Stucky 1996
R. A. Stucky, Die Nabatäischen Bauten. Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fittschen 1996
K. Fittschen, Wall Decorations in Herod’s Kingdom: Their Relationship with Wall Decorations in Greece and Italy. Fittschen, K. – Foerster, G. (eds.), Judaea and the Greco-Roman World in the Time of Herod in the Light of Archaeological Evidence (Göttingen 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmid 1996a
S. G. Schmid, Die Feinkeramik. Petra, Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992 (= Terra archaeologica II. Monographien der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland [SLSA/FSLA]) (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Keller 1996
D. Keller, Die spätrömischen Gläser mit Fadendekor. Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zanoni 1996
I. Zanoni, Tonlampen. Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Peter 1996
M. Peter, Die Fundmünzen. Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bignasca – alii 1996
A. Bignasca – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kolb 1996
B. Kolb, Die spätrömischen Bauten. in: Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996), 47–89.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bonomi 1996
S. Bonomi, Vetri antichi del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Adria. Corpus delle collezioni archeologiche del vetro nel Veneto 2 (Fiesso d’Artico 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fellmann Brogli 1996
R. Fellmann Brogli, Gemmen und Kameen mit ländlichen Kultszenen (Bern 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmid 1996c
S. G. Schmid, Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer, unpublizierte Dissertation (Basel 1996).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fellmann Brogli 1996
R. Fellmann Brogli, Die Keramik aus den spätrömischen Bauten. Bignasca, A. – alii, Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988–1992. Terra Archaeologica Bd. II (Mainz 1996).
Keywords: IEZP, IWFP
Year: 1996
Timestamp: 2015-06-16 00:00:00
Stucky – Kolb – Gerber – Schmid – Bellwald – Jacquat 1995
R. A. Stucky – B. Kolb – Y. Gerber – S. G. Schmid – U. Bellwald – Ch. Jacquat, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations at ez-Zantur in Petra 1994. The Sixth Campaign. ADAJ 39, 1995.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmid 1995
S. G. Schmid, Nabataean Fine Ware from Petra. ’Amr, K. – Zayadine, F. – Zaghloul, M. (eds.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 5 (Amman 1995).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Uboldi 1995
M. Uboldi, Diffusione delle lampade vitree in età tardoantica e altomedievale e spunti per una tipologia. Archeologia Medievale 22, 1995.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Cool – Price 1995
H. E. M. Cool – J. Price, Roman Vessel Glass from Excavations in Colchester, 1971–85. Colchester Archaeological Report 8. Colchester: Colchester Archaeological Trust (1995).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Thomas 1995
R. Thomas, Die Dekorationssysteme der römische Wandmalerei von augusteischer bis in trajanische Zeit (1995).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Foerster 1995
G. Foerster, Masada V. The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963–1965, Final Reports. Art and Architecture (Jerusalem 1995).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1995
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Stucky – Kolb – Gerber – Schmid 1993
R. A. Stucky – B. Kolb – Y. Gerber – S. G. Schmid, Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations at ez-Zantur in Petra 1993. The Fifth Campaign. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 38, 1994.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Hammond – Johnson 1994
Ph. C. Hammond – D. J. Johnson, American Expedition to Petra. The 1990–1993 Seasons. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 38, 1994.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kuhnen 1994
H.-P. Kuhnen, Kirche, Landwirtschaft und Flüchtlingssilber. Zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Palästinas in der Spätantike. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 110, 1994.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Villeneuve – Muheisen 1994
F. Villeneuve – Z. al-Muheisen, Découvertes nouvelles à Khirbet edh-Dharih (Jordanie), 1991–1994. Autour du sanctuaire nabatéen et romain. Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l’année 1994.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
De Caro 1994
S. De Caro (Hrsg.), Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (Naples 1994).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Stern – Schlick-Nolte 1994
E. M. Stern – B. Schlick-Nolte, Frühes Glas der alten Welt (Stuttgart 1994).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Nielsen 1994
I. Nielsen, Hellenistic Palaces, Tradition and Renewal. Studies in Hellenistic civilization 5 (Aarhus 1994).
Keywords: IEZP, IUBP
Year: 1994
Timestamp: 2015-06-15 00:00:00
Barag 1993
D. Barag, King Herod`s Royal Castle at Samaria-Sebaste. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125, 1993.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1993
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Nenna 1993
M.-D. Nenna, Eléments d’incrustation en verre des nécropoles alexandrines. Annales du 12e congrès de l’Association internationale pour l’histoire du verre (Amsterdam 1993).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1993
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Ussishkin 1993
D. Ussishkin, Lachish. Stern, E. (ed.) The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Vol. 3 (New York 199).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1993
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Gichon 1993
M. Gichon, En Boqeq. Ausgrabungen in einer Oase am Toten Meer (Mainz 1993).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1993
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bricault 1992
L. Bricault, Isis dolente. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 92, 1992.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Yegül 1992
F. Yegül, Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity (New York 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg 1992
G. Davidson Weinberg, Glass Vessels in Ancient Greece. Their History illustrated from the Collection of the National Archaeological Museum, Athens (Athens 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Follmann-Schulz 1992
A. B. Follmann-Schulz, Die römischen Gläser im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn (Cologne 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Meyer 1992
C. Meyer, Glass from Quseir al-Qadim and the Indian Ocean Trade. SAOC 53 (Chicago 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Sotheby’s 1992
Sotheby’s 1992: Antiquities, 9th and 10th July 1992 (London 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Spier 1992
J. Spier, Ancient gems and fingerrings. Catalogue of the collections, the J. Paul Getty Museum (Malibu 1992).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1992
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Grose 1991
D. F. Grose, Early Imperial Roman Cast Glass: The Translucent Coloured and Colourless Fine Wares. Newby, M. – Painter, K. (eds), Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention (London 1991).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1991
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bonomi 1990–1991
S. Bonomi, Le tombe romane dalla località Cuora: un inquadramento. Padusa N. S. 26–27, 1990–1991.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1991
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Rütti 1991
B. Rütti, Die römischen Gläser aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Forschungen in Augst XIII (Augst 1991).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1991
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zwierlein-Diehl 1991
E. Zwierlein-Diehl, Die antiken Gemmen des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien, vol. III (Munich 1991).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1991
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Netzer 1991
E. Netzer, Masada III. The Yigeal Yadin Excavations 1963–1965. Final Reports. The buildings: stratigraphy and architecture (Jerusalem 1991).
Keywords: IEZP, IUBP
Year: 1991
Timestamp: 2015-06-15 00:00:00
Hammond 1990
Ph. C. Hammond, The Goddess of the «Temple of the Winged Lions». Zayadine, F. (ed.), Petra and the Caravan Cities (Amman 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Dentzer-Feydy 1990
J. Dentzer-Feydy, Khirbet edh-Dharih. Architectural Decoration of the Temple. Aram 2, 1990.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Villeneuve 1990
F. Villeneuve, The Pottery from the Oil-Factory at Khirbet edh-Dharih (2nd century A. D.). A Contribution to the Study of the Material Culture of the Nabataeans. Aram 2, 1990.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Moutsopoulos 1990
N. C. Moutsopoulos, Observations sur les représentations du panthéon nabatéen. Zayadine, F. (ed.), Petra and the Caravan Cities (Amman 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Lyttelton – Blagg 1990
M. Lyttelton – T. Blagg, Sculpture in Nabataean Petra, and the Question of Roman Influence. Henig, M. (ed.), Architecture and Architectural Sculpture in the Roman Empire (Oxford 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Khairy 1990
N. I. Khairy, The 1981 Petra Excavations, I. Abhandlungen des deutschen Palästinavereins 13 (Wiesbaden 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Ettlinger et al. 1990
E. Ettlinger – alii, Conspectus formarum terrae sigillatae italico modo confectae (Bonn 1990).
Keywords: IEZP, PARA
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kuhnen 1990
H.-P. Kuhnen, Palästina in griechisch-römischer Zeit. Handbuch der Archäologie. Vorderasien II. 2 (Munich 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Ariel 1990
D. T. Ariel, Excavations at the City of David 1978–1985 II. Qedem 30 (Jerusalem 1990).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
McKenzie 1990
J. S. McKenzie, The Architecture of Petra (Oxford 1990).
Year: 1990
Timestamp: 2015-06-17 00:00:00
Sussmann 1989
V. Sussmann, Northern Stamped Oil Lamps and Their Typology. Michmanim 4, 1989.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1989
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Meyer 1989
C. Meyer, Byzantine and Umayyad Glass from Jerash: Battleship Curves. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 33, 1989.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1989
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kuhnen 1989
H.-P. Kuhnen, Studien zu Chronologie und Siedlungsarchäologie des Karmel (Israel) zwischen Hellenismus und Spätantike. Beiheft TAVO B, 72 (Wiesbaden 1989).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1989
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Grose 1989
D. F. Grose, Early Ancient Glass. The Toledo Museum of Art (New York 1989).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1989
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Patrich 1988
J. Patrich, The Glass Vessels. Tsafrir, Y. – alii, Excavations at Rehovot-in-the-Negev I. The Northern Church. Qedem 25, 1988.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1988
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg – Goldstein 1988
G. Davidson Weinberg – S. M. Goldstein, The Glass Vessels. Davidson Weinberg, G. (ed.), Excavations at Jalame. Site of a Glass Factory in Late Roman Palestine (Columbia 1988).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1988
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kühlborn 1988
J.-S. Kühlborn, Germanien und Rom. Kaiser Augustus und die verlorene Republik. Exhibition catalogue (Mainz 1988).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1988
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg 1988
G. Davidson Weinberg, Excavations at Jalame. Site of a Glass Factory in Late Roman Palestine (1988).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1988
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Harden 1988
D. B. Harden – alii, Glas der Caesaren (Milan 1988).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1988
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zayadine 1987
F. Zayadine, Decorative Stucco at Petra and other Hellenistic Sites. Hadidi, A. (ed.), SHAJ 3 (London – Amman 1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Stern 1987
E. M. Stern, Early Roman Glass from Heis on the North Somali Coast. Annales du 10e congrès de l’Association internationale pour l’histoire du verre (Amsterdam1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Parker 1987
S. T. Parker, The Pottery. Parker, S. Th. (ed.), The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan. Interim Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980–1985 Part II. BAR International Series 340 (II). (Oxford 1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg 1987
G. Davidson Weinberg, Specialized Production in a Late Roman Glass Factory. ErIsr 19, 1987.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Jones 1987
J. Jones, The Glass. Parker, S. T., The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan. Interim Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980–1985. BAR International Series 340 (II) (Oxford 1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Wenning 1987
R. Wenning, Die Nabatäer. Denkmäler und Geschichte. Eine Bestandesaufnahme des archäologischen Befundes. Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus 3 (Freiburg/Göttingen 1987).
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
’Amr 1987
K. ’Amr, The Pottery from Petra. A Neutron Activation Analysis Study. BAR Intern. Series 324 (Oxford 1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Henig – Whiting 1987
M. Henig – M. Whiting, Engraved Gems from Gadara in Jordan (Oxford 1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1987
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Hammond 1986
P. C. Hammond, Die Ausgrabungen des Löwen-Greifen-Tempels in Petra (1973–1983). Lindner, M. (ed.), Petra – Neue Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen (München 1986).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1986
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kehrberg 1986
I. Kehrberg, Summary Report on Glass. Zayadine, F. (ed.), Jerash Archaeological Project 1981–1983 I (Amman 1986).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1986
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Meyer 1986
C. Meyer, The Glass from the North Theater. Zayadine, F. (ed), Jerash Archaeological Project 1981–1983, I (Amman 1986).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1986
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Negev 1986
A. Negev, The Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery of Nabatean Oboda. Final Report. Qedem 22 (1986).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1986
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Hayes 1985
J. W. Hayes, Sigillate Orientali. Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramica fine romana nel bacino mediterraneo (tardo ellenismo e primo impero), EAA (Rome 1985).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bagatti 1985
B. Bagatti, Nuova ceramica del Monte Nebo (Siyagha). LA 35, 1985.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Barbet 1985
A. Barbet, La peinture murale romaine. Les styles décoratifs pompéiens (1985).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Cain 1985
H.-U. Cain, Römische Marmorkandelaber. Beiträge zur Erschliessung hellenistischer und kaiserzeitlicher Skulptur und Architektur, Vol. 7 (Mainz 1985).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Deppert-Lippitz 1985
B. Deppert-Lippitz, Goldschmuck der Römerzeit im Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum (Bonn 1985).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schürmann 1985
W. Schürmann, Typologie und Bedeutung der stadtrömischen Minerva-Kultbilder. RdA Suppl. 2 (1985).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1985
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Adam 1984
J.-P. Adam, La construction romaine. Materiaux et techniques (Paris 1984).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1984
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Alessio 1984
A. Alessio, Anelli. De Juliis, E. M. – alii, Gli ori di Taranto in età ellenistica. Mostra Milano. (Milano 1984).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1984
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Andronikos 1984
M. Andronikos, Vergina. The Royal Tombs (Athens 1984).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1984
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bianchi 1983
R. S. Bianchi, Those Ubiquitous Glass Inlays from Pharaonic Egypt: Suggestions about their Functions and Dates. JGS 25, 1983.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1983
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Carettoni 1983
G. Carettoni, Das Haus des Augustus auf dem Palatin (1983).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1983
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fernandez 1983
F. D. Fernandez, Ceramica Comun Romana de la Galilea: Aproximaciones y diferencias con la ceramica del resto de Palestina y regiones circundantes (Madrid 1983).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1983
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zazoff 1983
P. Zazoff, Die antiken Gemmen. Handbuch der Archäologie (Munich 1983).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1983
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Korosec 1982
P. Korosec, Egipcanske najdbe iz Rabelcje vasi v Ptuju. AVes 33, 1982.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1982
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zayadine 1982
F. Zayadine, Recent Excavation at Petra, 1979–81. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 26, 1982.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1982
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zayadine 1981
F. Zayadine, l’iconographie d’al’Uzza-Aphrodite. L. Kahil – Ch. Augé (eds.), Mythologie gréco-romaine, mythologies périphériques. Études d’iconographie (Paris 1981).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1981
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmitt-Korte 1980
L. Schmitt-Korte, Die bemalte nabatäische Keramik. Verbreitung, Typologie und Chronologie. Lindner, M. (ed.), Petra und das Königreich der Nabatäer (München 1980).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1980
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Russell 1980
K. W. Russell, The Earthquake of May 19 AD 363. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 238, 1980.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1980
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
von Saldern 1980
A. von Saldern, Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Archaeological Exploration of Sardis 6 (Cambridge – London 1980).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1980
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bailey 1980
D. M. Bailey, Roman Lamps Made in Italy. A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum, Vol. II (London: 1980).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1980
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Berger 1980
L. Berger, Römische Gläser aus Vindonissa (2) (Brugg 1980).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1980
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Czurda-Ruth 1979
B. Czurda-Ruth, Die römischen Gläser vom Magdalensberg. Archäologische Forschungen zu den Grabungen auf dem Magdalensberg. Kärtner Museumsschriften 65 (Klagenfurt 1979).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1979
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Goldstein 1979
S. M. Goldstein, Pre-Roman and Early Roman Glass in the Corning Museum of Glass (Corning 1979).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1979
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Wilhelm 1979
E. Wilhelm, La verrerie de l’époque romaine au Musée d’histoire et d’art – Luxembourg (Luxembourg 1979).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1979
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Starcky 1978
J. Starcky, Langue, Ecriture et Inscriptions. Un royaume aux confins du désert. Pétra et la Nabatène. Exhibition catalgue (Lyon 1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Hammond 1977–1978
Ph. C. Hammond, Excavations at Petra, 1975–1977. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 22, 1977–1978.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Rosenthal – Sivan 1978
R. Rosenthal – R. Sivan, Ancient Lamps in the Schloessinger Collection. Qedem 8 (Jerusalem 1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zevulun – Olenik 1978
U. Zevulun – Y. Olenik, Function and Design in the Talmudic Period (Tel Aviv 1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Grimm – alii 1978
G. Grimm – alii, Götter Pharaonen (Mainz 1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Manns 1978
F. Manns, Gemmes de l’époque gréco-romaine provenant de Palestine. Studii biblici Franciscani. Liber Annuus 28 (1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schnitzer 1978
B. K. Schnitzer – alii, Glass at the Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge 1978).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1978
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
van Lith 1977
S. M. E. van Lith, Römisches Glas aus Velsen. OudhMeded 57, 1977.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1977
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Erdmann 1977
E. Erdmann, Die Glasfunde von Mezad Tamar (Kasr Gehainije) in Israel. Saalburg Jahrbuch 34, 1977.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1977
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Schmitt-Korte 1976
K. Schmitt-Korte, Die Nabatäer. Spuren einer arabischen Kultur der Antike (Frankfurt 1976).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1976
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Avigad 1976
N. Avigad, The catacombs 12–23. Beth She’arim Vol. III (Jerusalem 1976).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1976
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Meyers – Kraabel – Strange 1976
E. M. Meyers – A. T. Kraabel – J. F. Strange, Ancient Synagogue Excavations at Khirbet Shema’, Upper Galilee, Israel 1970–1972 (Durham 1976).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1976
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Cooney 1976
J. D. Cooney, Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum IV. Glass (London 1976).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1976
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Strocka 1975
V. M. Strocka, Pompejanische Nebenzimmer. Andreae, A. – Kyrieleis, H. (eds.), Neue Forschungen in Pompeji (Recklinghausen 1975).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1975
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Hayes 1975
J. W. Hayes, Roman and Pre-Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum. A Catalogue (1975).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1975
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
De Franciscis 1975
A. De Franciscis, The Pompeian Wall Painting in the Roman Villa of Oplontis (Recklinghausen 1975).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1975
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fremersdorf 1975
F. Fremersdorf, Antikes, islamisches und mittelalterliches Glas sowie kleinere Arbeiten aus Stein, Gagat und verwandten Stoffen in den Vatikanischen Sammlungen Roms (Museo Sacro, Museo Profano, Museo Egizio, Antiquarium Romanum), Catalogo del Museo Sacro V (Vatican City 1975).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1975
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Kiechle 1974
F. K. Kiechle, Die Struktur der gewerblichen Glaserzeugung in der frühen Kaiserzeit. Annales du 6e congrès de l’association internationale pour l’histoire du verre (Liège 1974).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1974
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Negev 1974
A. Negev, The Nabatean Potter’s Workshop at Oboda. ReiCretActa Suppl. 1 (Bonn 1974).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1974
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Crawford 1974
M. H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (London 1974).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1974
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zayadine 1974
F. Zayadine, Excavations at Petra, 1973–1974. ADAJ 19, 1974.
Keywords: IEZP, IKTP, IWFP
Year: 1974
Timestamp: 2015-06-17 00:00:00
Negev 1973
A. Negev, The Staircase-Tower in Nabatean Architecture. Revue Biblique 80, 1973.
Keywords: IEZP, NEPP
Year: 1973
Timestamp: 2015-06-09 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg 1973
G. Davidson Weinberg, Notes on Glass from Upper Galilee. JGS 15, 1973.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1973
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Roffia 1973
E. Roffia, Vetri. Frova, A. (ed.), Scavi di Luni I (Rome 1973).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1973
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zwierlein-Diehl 1973
E. Zwierlein-Diehl, Die antiken Gemmen des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien, vol. I (Munich 1973).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1973
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Parr 1970
P. J. Parr, A Sequence of Pottery from Petra. J. A. Sanders (ed.), Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century. Essays in Honor of Nelson Glueck (New York 1970).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1970
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Negev 1969
A. Negev, Seal-Impressions from Tomb 107 at Kurnub (Mampsis). Israel Exploration Journal 19, 1969.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1969
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Harden 1968
D. B. Harden, The Canosa Group of Hellenistic Glasses in the British Museum. JGS 10, 1968.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1968
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Oliver 1968
A .Oliver Jr., Millefiori Glass in Classial Antiquity. JGS 10, 1968.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1968
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Barag 1967
D. Barag, The Glass. Prausnitz, M. W., Excavations at Shavei Zion. The Early Christian Church. Rome. Centro per le antichità e la storia dell’arte del vicino oriente (1987).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1967
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Adriani 1963–1966
A. Adriani, Repertorio d’Arte dell’Egitto Greco-Romano. Serie C. Vols. I–II (Palermo 1963–1966).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1966
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Oswald – Pryce 1966
F. Oswald – T. D. Pryce, An Introduction to the Study of Terra Sigillata (London 1966).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1966
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Vollenweider 1966
M. L. Vollenweider, Die Steinschneidekunst und ihre Künstler in spätrepublikanischer und augusteischer Zeit (Baden-Baden 1966).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1966
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Davidson Weinberg 1965
G. Davidson Weinberg, The Glass Vessels. Davidson Weinberg, G. – alii, The Antikythera Shipwreck Reconsidered, TransactAmPhilosSoc N. S. 55, 1965.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1965
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Zouhdi 1964
B. Zouhdi, Les verres mosaïques et millefiori du Musée national de Damas. Annales de 3e congrès des journées internationales du verre (Liège 1964).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1964
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Exposition des verres syriens 1964
Exposition des verres syriens à travers l’histoire (Damascus 1964).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1964
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Müller 1964
H. W. Müller, Ägyptische Kunstwerke, Kleinfunde und Glas in der Sammlung E. und M. Kofler-Truniger, Luzern. Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 5 (Berlin 1964).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1964
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Clairmont 1963
Ch. W. Clairmont, The Glass Vessels. The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV 5 (New Haven 1963).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1963
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Harden 1962
D. B. Harden, Glass. Colt, H. D. (ed.), Excavations at Nessana I (London 1962).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1962
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Fremersdorf 1962
F. Fremersdorf, Die römischen Gläser mit aufgelegten Nuppen. Die Denkmäler des römischen Köln VII (1962).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1962
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Elgavish 1962
J. Elgavish, The Art of Lamps in Israel in the Roman and Byzantine Periods (Jerusalem 1962).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1962
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Harden 1960
D. B. Harden, Glass-Making Centres and the Spread of Glass-Making from the First to the Fourth Century AD Pp. 47–62 in Annales du 1er congrès des journées internationales du verre (Liège 1960).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1960
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Bagatti – Milik 1958
P. B. Bagatti – J. T. Milik, Gli scavi del „Dominus flevit“ (Monte Oliveto – Gerusalemme) I. La necropoli del periodo romano. Jerusalem. Tipografia dei P. P. Francescani (1958).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1958
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Crowfoot 1957
G. M. Crowfoot, Glass. Crowfoot, J. W. – Crowfoot, G. M. – Kenyon, K. M., Samaria-Sebaste III. The Objects from Samaria (London 1957).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1957
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Isings 1957
C. Isings, Roman Glass from Dated Finds (Groningen 1957).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1957
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Abdul-Hak 1951
A. Abdul-Hak, Catalogue illustré du Département des Antiquités greco-romaines au Musée de Damas (Damascus 1951).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1951
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Pesce 1950
F. G. Pesce, Il „Palazzo delle Colonne“ in Tolemaide di Cirenaica (Roma 1950).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1950
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Horsfield 1942
G. Horsfield – A. Horsfield, Sela-Petra, The Rock of Edom and Nabatene, IV: The Finds. Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 9, 1942.
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1942
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Murray – Ellis 1940
M. A. Murray – J. C. Ellis, A Street in Petra. British School of Archaeology in Egypt 52 (London 1940).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1940
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Baur 1938
P. V. C. Baur, Glassware. Kraeling, C. H. (ed.), Gerasa. City of the Decapolis (New Haven 1938).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1938
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Broneer 1930
O. Broneer, Terracotta Lamps. Corinth. Vol. IV, Part II (Cambridge 1930).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1930
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Savignac 1913
R. Savignac, Notes de voyage de Suez au Sinai et à Pétra. Revue Biblique 10, 1913.
Keywords: IAP, IEZP
Year: 1913
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Breccia 1912
E. Breccia, La necropoli di Sciatbi. Catalogue des antiquités égyptiennes (Musée d’Alexandrie) 63 (Leipzig 1912).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1912
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Brünnow – Domaszewski 1909
R. E. Brünnow – A. von Domaszewski, Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Beschreibung früherer Reisender. Dritter Band. Der westliche Hauran von Bosra bis es-Suhba und die Gegend um die Damaskener Wiesenseen bis ed-Dumer, nebst einem Anhang über die römischen Befestigungen von Masada (Strassburg 1909).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1909
Timestamp: 2015-06-22 13:28:40
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Kisa 1908
A. Kisa, Das Glas im Altertume (Leipzig 1908).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1908
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Brünnow – Domaszewski 1905
R. E. Brünnow – A. von Domaszewski, Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Berichte früherer Reisender. Zweiter Band. Der äussere Limes und die Römerstrassen von el-Ma’an bis Bosra (Strassburg 1905).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1905
Timestamp: 2015-06-22 10:21:11
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Brünnow – Domaszewski 1904
R. E. Brünnow – A. von Domaszewski, Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Beschreibung früherer Reisender. Erster Band.
Year: 1904
Timestamp: 2015-06-09 00:00:00
Flinders Petrie 1900
W. M. Flinders Petrie, Dendereh 1898. The Egypt Exploration Fund 17 (London 1900).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1900
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00
Furtwängler 1890
A. Furtwängler, Die Bronzen und die übrigen kleineren Funde von Olympia. Olympia IV (Berlin 1890).
Keywords: IEZP
Year: 1890
Timestamp: 2015-06-11 00:00:00