I. Acknowledgments
The first field season of the International el-Khubtha Tombs Project (IKTP) at Petra took place between September 5th and 23rd, 2010. The project was generously funded by the German-French research project „Early Petra“, directed by Prof Michel Mouton (Paris) and Prof Stephan G. Schmid (Berlin) and sponsored by the German Research Association (DFG), the Excellence Cluster TOPOI at the Humboldt University, Berlin and the Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures (AUAC).
We would like to thank the Director General of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr Ziad al-Saad, for granting the permit to work in Petra (Permit No. 2010/64) and also the Commissioner of the Petra Archaeological Park, Dr Emad Hijazeen, for his support of the project. The Department of Antiquities representative was Mohammad Salameen, whose assistance was most appreciated. I would also like to express thanks to Tahani Salhi, Director of Cultural Resources, and Haroun Amarat for their help during the duration of the project. Dr Carol Palmer, Nadja Qaisi and Alison Damick (British Institute/CBRL, Amman) and Dr Christopher Tuttle (ACOR, Amman) were most supportive of the project and I am grateful for their advice and help concerning logistical matters. In addition, artefact cleaning was provided courtesy of the ACOR Conservation Cooperative.
IKTP 2010 was directed by Dr Lucy Wadeson while holding a CBRL Visiting Research Fellowship and the G. A. Wainwright Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Oxford. The project was kindly initiated and organised by Prof Stephan G. Schmid, to whom we owe special thanks for making this project possible. The team included Marco Dehner (Berlin) and Maxie Haufe (Berlin) and up to eight workmen from the Bdool tribe. During the team’s stay at Nazzal’s Camp in Petra, Suleiman Mohammad el-Bdool, his wife Aziza, and Ali Khalaf el-Bdool proved an excellent camp team.