Report on the 2011 and 2012 Seasons

by Laurent Gorgerat and Robert Wenning, with a note by Laila Nehmé

II. Introduction

According to the results of the first campaign of 2010 Gorgerat – Wenning 2010: 255–269. the following objectives were set for 2011 and 2012: Finishing the mapping the site (Fig. 1), excavating the Northern Terrace of the site, cleaning and investigating Tomb BD 24, extending the excavation towards BD 26 in the north, and finally analyzing the relationship between the Southern Terrace with Triclinium D17 and the Northern Terrace with Tomb BD 24.

Fig. 1: General plan of the site (drawing: J. Falkenberg, L. Gorgerat, D. Koller)
Fig. 1: General plan of the site (drawing: J. Falkenberg, L. Gorgerat, D. Koller)