The International Wadi Farasa Project

Preliminary Report on the 2006 Season

by Stephan G. Schmid

IV. Digital reconstruction

Following the results of previous campaigns, combining the visible rock cut features with the architectural elements found during excavation, a tentative digital reconstruction of the Soldier’s Tomb complex was begun. In 2004, the upper part of a column including a capital and the following stone were found aligned following the earthquake that destroyed the entire complex of the Soldier’s. The stone above the capital turned out to be the starting point for a double arch of unequal width (or height) on both sides (fig. 15).

Fig. 15: Wadi Farasa East, beginning of double arch from the N-porticus (photo: S. G. Schmid)
Fig. 15: Wadi Farasa East, beginning of double arch from the N-porticus (photo: S. G. Schmid).

The finding situation strongly suggests that these parts once belonged to one of the central columns flanking the main entrance into the porticoes from room 1. As we discussed in the 2004 report Schmid 2005: 71–73. , it was not immediately clear whether the arches indicate a kind of an arcade, i. e. one single row of columns supporting arches, or whether we have to reckon a second colonnade. Further reflections are now likely to clarify this point. First of all, a double portico covered by arches would create a quite important technical problem at the point were the pressure of the second arch meets the second colonnade that would be at risk of collapsing, since there would be no counterpart.

Fig. 16: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of arched porticus (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)
Fig. 16: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of arched porticus (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)

The positive evidence for a reconstruction with one portico in the shape of an arcade is offered by the rock cuttings for the first half column of the northern portico, and, therefore, the same structure that we discussed already in the reports of our survey season and of our first field season Cf. Schmid 2000; Schmid 2001. and still the same structure that led the „Deutsch-Türkisches Denkmalschutzkommando“ in 1916 to the first reconstruction of the complex Bachmann – Watzinger – Wiegand 1921. . As a matter of fact, the carving for the roof of the portico is located more than one meter above the top level of the capital.

Fig. 17: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of arched porticus (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)
Fig. 17: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of arched porticus (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)

On the one hand, this situation is difficult to explain in the case of a flat covered roof. On the other hand, immediately above the capital, the beginning of a curbed carving is clearly visible. In other words, this must be the beginning of the first arch that was directly set into the rock carvings for the half column and, therefore, the pressure was not creating any problems. Therefore, we can propose a reconstruction of the colonnade as shown on figures 16 and 17, combining the information obtained by the rock-cuttings with the architectural elements found during excavation See also Schmid 2006B: 255–257. .

Fig. 18: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of main entrance to the Soldier’s Tomb complex (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)
Fig. 18: Wadi Farasa East, reconstruction of main entrance to the Soldier’s Tomb complex (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)

The plan of the complex as revealed by the excavations since 2000 as well as the information gained by several architectural members and structures discovered so far, lead to an overall reconstruction of the complex as proposed in figures 18 and 19, with, of course, some uncertainties as for the upper parts and especially the roofing of the upper floor.

Fig. 19: Wadi Farasa East, overall reconstruction of the complex of the Soldier’s Tomb (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)
Fig. 19: Wadi Farasa East, overall reconstruction of the complex of the Soldier’s Tomb (Wirth & Wirth architects, Basel)