During this year’s spring season at Petra there was quite often bad weather. This video shows some 360 degree impressions of cloudy skies around Umm el-Biyara.
The working conditions on Um el-Biyara were beyond the imaginable. This video gives an insight into every day’s work, a very painfull mix of sweat, tears and wounds.
Sorry! There real work of course took place in another trench, where massive boulder and heavy bedrock plates had to be hammered to smithereens.
Work on Umm el-Biyara was so exhausting that after a delicate dinner almost the entire group took a nap, either floating along the bedrock (as in this short video) or stretched out on the ground.
During evening or on weekends there was some time left to try out new skills or enhance do training with existing ones. This video shows Robert Haas-Zens doing some stone masonry behind Nazzal’s camp.
The spring weather not only brought cloudy skies, but also heavy rainfalls into the Petra area. This video shows the impressive power of water in the Wadis of Petra.
One day, in addition to all the clouds and the rainfaills, an evil sand storm came up form the Israeli side. But see and listen for yourself.
On the last day of the excavation season on Umm el-Biyara Stephan Schmid picked up the whole team and a lot of material at the foot of the mountain. This rather shaky video follows the truck for a short distance on its way back to Nazzal’s camp.
A nice and warming camp fire on Umm el-Biyara.

In spring 2011 a team of the German news paper „Der Spiegel“, lead by author Markus Becker, visited Petra in order to collect information about the activities of the Humboldt University for a multimedia special presented on their online newspaper „Spiegel Online“. The copyright of the video footage below is with „Spiegel Online“ (2011).

Collage of the Spiegel multimedia special.