Welcome to the International Ez Zantur Project

A project study by Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmid (Humboldt University, Berlin) and Dr. Bernhard Kolb (Basel University) in collaboration with the Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures (AUAC) and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan. The 2010 and 2011 campains were realised in the frame of the German-French project „Early Petra“, sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and directed by Stephan G. Schmid and Michel Mouton. The 1996–2001 campaigns were sponsored by the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation of Archaeological Research Abroad (SLFA), Basel University, the Max Geldner Foundation (Basel) and Novartis (Basel).

Ez Zantur IV. Aerial view of site after the 1996 excavation season (photo: D. Keller)
Ez Zantur IV. Aerial view of site after the 1996 excavation season (photo: D. Keller)